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Date: Friday, December 8th @ 10AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern
Limited Live Spots. Replay Available.
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What We'll Cover In The Workshop:
SECRET #1 - How to BECOME a sought after authority figure in your specific skillset in as little as year. (This took me from nobody to riding & selling some of the best 2 year olds in the industry.)
SECRET #2 - How to DESIGN a better business model that pays you more for the same work you're already doing. (This method allowed us to triple the revenue per stall.)
SECRET #3 - The fun (& easy) way to ENROLL clients quickly without it feeling like you're doing sales. (This is my go-to way to get new clients and only takes half a day.)
SECRET #4 - How to add PROFIT producing revenue streams that run without you being there. (This is what rich people do that poor people miss.)
Meet Your Presenter:
Steve Ross
Steve used to be an unknown, broke horse trainer who had good skill, but a broken business. Today, he is a world-renowned announcer and horse business lifer. Some say, you could pick a random spot on a world map, and Steve would have a profitable business in less than a year. Discover his proven process to becoming a profitable horse trainer in this free workshop!

Tips to continue to better shape our business model to have a solid income with less horses.
How to find a way to bring customers to my business in not a popular “show horse” community
Getting input on scaling back on inputs & increasing income
Learn to spend my time better with horses
How to make a better living doing what I love.
I'm looking for a way to create passive income that will help support my horse endeavors.
How to work smarter
How to work smarter not harder!! I love learning. Can’t wait.
To learn!
A better way!
To make my business more profitable
Find new paths in the industry that I love to create a business with horses or help others with their horse business
Learning new skills
The horse training business model IS broken. I would love to learn a better way
Always looking to improve!!
Always seeking to learn and grow. Apply new information, techniques and network with other minded individuals.
Multiple income streams!
Ways to improve business
Excited to learn more about your program.
Excited to learn , get educated on different outlooks in the equine business. Taking the blinders off, be able to see new aspects and walks in the quiet world.