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Date: Friday, December 8th @ 10AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern
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What We'll Cover In The Workshop:
SECRET #1 - How to BECOME a sought after authority figure in your specific skillset in as little as year. (This took me from nobody to riding & selling some of the best 2 year olds in the industry.)
SECRET #2 - How to DESIGN a better business model that pays you more for the same work you're already doing. (This method allowed us to triple the revenue per stall.)
SECRET #3 - The fun (& easy) way to ENROLL clients quickly without it feeling like you're doing sales. (This is my go-to way to get new clients and only takes half a day.)
SECRET #4 - How to add PROFIT producing revenue streams that run without you being there. (This is what rich people do that poor people miss.)
Meet Your Presenter:
Steve Ross
Steve used to be an unknown, broke horse trainer who had good skill, but a broken business. Today, he is a world-renowned announcer and horse business lifer. Some say, you could pick a random spot on a world map, and Steve would have a profitable business in less than a year. Discover his proven process to becoming a profitable horse trainer in this free workshop!

How to market in a geographic area with few reiners
Business knowledge with a different perspective.
I'm trying get started I need guidance
Learn steps to actually get ahead
Make a consistent stream of income
I have a very diverse program, I'd like to see what Steve has to say.
I’ve got the work all the time down and Truly I DO love it. I’d like to be running it and not Visa versa 😊
How to financially run a horse training buisness better, bringing in more revenue without more hours
I am most excited to here the confirmation and the positive progress about fully becoming a successful equine entrepreneur. I grew up around the opposite, always shutting down the ideas of training horses, or raising them. To hear it's possible and to receive support in this lifestyle is HUGE for me. I am a bit lost out on my own.
I am excited to learn this from a horse professional! There are too many others that we, horse trainers and other horse enthusiasts, can not relate to.
Find a better way to do this so I can enjoy it again after 26 years, stop feeling like I'm killing myself and resenting my customers for it. Nobody else wants to hire a used up horse trainer for enough money to let you do all the cool things you get to do otherwise 😉
I am starting up my own training business so really interested in this workshop and everything it will help me with!
Better marketing strategies on better ways to do business that’s more profitable than what I’m currently doing.
Find a better way to do business
How to start over in a new state/ area efficiently while rebranding and maximizing profit
Struggling to make a living, even breaking even in the horse industry. Especially now trying to juggle a baby and horses in the equine industry
Looking forward to learning how I can do what I love which is training horses, and have it be profitable and not so time consuming
Looking forward to other branding strategies as well as opening up other avenues of income without taking up even more time that I already struggle with as is.
How to rebrand myself. Spent my career as a pleasure futurity trainer and now they are becoming a thing of the past. How to market this new brand
Learning how to make a respectable living with respectable hours. It's easy to work harder.... it's the smarter part we all need help with.