Congrats, Your Seat Is Saved!

Watch The Video Below & Complete The "Pre-Actions" To Get Started Now!

Date: Friday, December 8th @ 10AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern
Limited Live Spots. Replay Available.


Complete These Pre-Actions:

STEP 1: Check your email (including spam) to make sure you received your welcome email. Hit reply quickly to let us know that you did.

STEP 2: Block out 2 hours of your time on Nov. 8th, 2023 from 10am - 12pm Pacific (1pm - 3pm Eastern) so that you can show up without distractions ready to take notes.

STEP 3: In the comment box below, share your biggest question about building a successful horse business..

  1. What would be the most profitable and doable horse business for a senior couple?

  2. How to set yourself apart from others within your own industry?

  3. How to market my farm effectively and how to procure operating capital

  4. I love the performance horse industry and would love to learn how to be more involved and possibly make a little money along the way.

  5. Been riding for years personal horses and want to spread out and ride the public horses or have some more capital for my own to buy colts and sale them finished

  6. How to generate stable income to eventually getting my horse property to sustain it’s self with out me putting money in from my other company. In general Trying to get a different perspective on horse business..

  7. I'm interested in learning ways to not just be sustainable, but to grow over time in a business that has so much overhead and expenses. What is the best balance? I'd like to learn to maximize my time, we work long hours, 7 days a week, we have many irons in the fire. We are so focused on the work and have been diversifying, but then we leave no time for rest. As we get older we can't physically do as much...I like the idea of smarter not harder!

  8. I would like guidance on balancing my training business. Sometimes it's feels very disjointed.

  9. Being a successful breeder outside of the south.

  10. What do you do in months where the bills outweigh the income?

  11. How do I put everything I can offer together to develop a program in a remote area that will be what people want and need. The industry is constantly evolving and its great. I just can't figure out how to put it all into play.

  12. Teach me how to work smarter not harder. I’ve been working hard for far too many years

  13. Shifting from having training clientele to horse show clients. I’ve had a successful business in N TX training 2s, problem horses, sales, and random horse training. But I’m trying to shift to gain clients that want to go show. I’ve really struggled to have anything in the barn I can even show up on. It’s a revolving cycle of not being able to go to the shows without support. I try to self invest. 2024 will be my 4th year out on my own after working for Nathan Piper, Mirjam Stillo, and Toyon Ranch. But I trained cow horses and Reiners for 7yrs prior on and off.

  14. Balancing time, work, and family

  15. The process to successfully market via social media to produce a stream of horses with a wait list, and extremely interested in residual income streams

  16. I’m 2 years into my training buisness, looking how to grow my buisness knowledge and make more money. Not afraid to work.

  17. I am new to reining breeding and would love to learn more about marketing, and selling my program, especially being in a less popular area of the PNW.

  18. To learn more business skills

  19. Thanks looking to make money year round

  20. Like to learn hiw to just put it all together.

1 15 16 17 18 19 22

What We'll Cover In The Workshop:

SECRET #1 - How to BECOME a sought after authority figure in your specific skillset in as little as year. (This took me from nobody to riding & selling some of the best 2 year olds in the industry.)

SECRET #2 - How to DESIGN a better business model that pays you more for the same work you're already doing. (This method allowed us to triple the revenue per stall.)

SECRET #3 - The fun (& easy) way to ENROLL clients quickly without it feeling like you're doing sales. (This is my go-to way to get new clients and only takes half a day.)

SECRET #4 - How to add PROFIT producing revenue streams that run without you being there. (This is what rich people do that poor people miss.)

Meet Your Presenter:

Steve Ross

Steve used to be an unknown, broke horse trainer who had good skill, but a broken business. Today, he is a world-renowned announcer and horse business lifer. Some say, you could pick a random spot on a world map, and Steve would have a profitable business in less than a year. Discover his proven process to becoming a profitable horse trainer in this free workshop!

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