Congrats, Your Seat Is Saved!

Watch The Video Below & Complete The "Pre-Actions" To Get Started Now!

Date: Friday, December 8th @ 10AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern
Limited Live Spots. Replay Available.


Complete These Pre-Actions:

STEP 1: Check your email (including spam) to make sure you received your welcome email. Hit reply quickly to let us know that you did.

STEP 2: Block out 2 hours of your time on Nov. 8th, 2023 from 10am - 12pm Pacific (1pm - 3pm Eastern) so that you can show up without distractions ready to take notes.

STEP 3: In the comment box below, share your biggest question about building a successful horse business..

  1. How to retain long term quality clients.

  2. How to best market and sell horses.

  3. 1.) How to market a young stallion 2.) How to kick a client out— in the best way possible and not lose money

  4. How to get more clients

  5. How do we make money on referaerrals for products

  6. I’d love to learn different ways to make income streams from my horse training business and how to make a more scalable business model that isn’t so dependent on trading my time for dollars.

  7. How did you balance your price for board and training to make something from it but not deter clients

  8. We are converting our former “training only” Ranch to a program that offers multiple streams of revenue. Youth programs, clinics, horse sales, breeding, & training. I’d love more information into how to scale and expand in the most profitable way possible.

  9. My question is 2 parts. 1. Ive started colts for the public my whole adult life, I'm now 33 & although I still love & enjoy starting colts, I'm a little tired of the bumps & bruises that come along with it. I really love reining cowhorse & I'm wondering the best way to transition from mainly starting colts to training reining cow horses & getting peoples & my own horses ready to show? 2. I'dike to figure our ways I can improve my reach with potential customers? Basically what more can I do to get my name out there? Thank you

  10. I would love to know any advice you have for marketing to attract clients that fit my skillset for training and showing.

  11. best way to market a young stallion

  12. Any tips for a performance horse breeding program? Specifically from the mare and foal operation to marketing the offspring.

  13. I'd like to know how to generate a stable income without working 60 hours a week.

  14. I'm more interested in teaching people to ride than riding horses for people. Is your model applicable to that process?

  15. Have the means for a successful business, but the more it grows the more money i lose and the harder/longer a work each day

  16. Trying to learn as always, but now to keep up. As “cutting edge” changes day to day with humans the marketing does as well.

  17. I have a program learned from some great trainers, and I feel I put out a quality product, but can't seem to figure out how I can make my program more attractive and marketable in order to gain new customers with horses that fit the training/showing goals of my program?

  18. Learning how to step out in to this mostly man’s world of cutting horses and be taken seriously

  19. I don’t even know what to ask I need help with everything you just said ,I’d like to know how to be smarter about my time

  20. What would be the most profitable and doable horse business for a senior couple?

1 14 15 16 17 18 22

What We'll Cover In The Workshop:

SECRET #1 - How to BECOME a sought after authority figure in your specific skillset in as little as year. (This took me from nobody to riding & selling some of the best 2 year olds in the industry.)

SECRET #2 - How to DESIGN a better business model that pays you more for the same work you're already doing. (This method allowed us to triple the revenue per stall.)

SECRET #3 - The fun (& easy) way to ENROLL clients quickly without it feeling like you're doing sales. (This is my go-to way to get new clients and only takes half a day.)

SECRET #4 - How to add PROFIT producing revenue streams that run without you being there. (This is what rich people do that poor people miss.)

Meet Your Presenter:

Steve Ross

Steve used to be an unknown, broke horse trainer who had good skill, but a broken business. Today, he is a world-renowned announcer and horse business lifer. Some say, you could pick a random spot on a world map, and Steve would have a profitable business in less than a year. Discover his proven process to becoming a profitable horse trainer in this free workshop!

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