Congrats, Your Seat Is Saved!

Watch The Video Below & Complete The "Pre-Actions" To Get Started Now!

Date: Friday, December 8th @ 10AM Pacific, 1PM Eastern
Limited Live Spots. Replay Available.


Complete These Pre-Actions:

STEP 1: Check your email (including spam) to make sure you received your welcome email. Hit reply quickly to let us know that you did.

STEP 2: Block out 2 hours of your time on Nov. 8th, 2023 from 10am - 12pm Pacific (1pm - 3pm Eastern) so that you can show up without distractions ready to take notes.

STEP 3: In the comment box below, share your biggest question about building a successful horse business..

  1. Would love to learn how to attract more clients in a very competitive market

  2. Interested in marketing my business and how to make passive income.

  3. How to make passive income starting 2 year olds and better ways to make my business grow financially.

  4. I am interested in building more passive income in my business. I took a coaching program earlier this year for horse trainers and have really turned the horse training portion for my business around. Now I want to spend more time on the passive income.

  5. Interested in passive income and a better way to stay ahead and market my skills

  6. Rebranding and/or starting a business without financial support and finding that balance of personal life and business

  7. I am interested in learning how to make a profit training horses. I can train a good horse, but I have a hard time making a living at it.

  8. Dealing with difficult people, what boundaries to set with clients to guard my time but still be accessible, and marketing in a competitive environment.

  9. Best way to market in a new town after moving a farm.

  10. I am wanting to learn how turn my thoughts and ideas in the horse industry to something tangible plus marketing skills.

  11. How to get steady clients and setting up as a start up business.

  12. How to get more clients

  13. How to find clients and increase profit

  14. How to make money without money to start with in this industry

  15. How do you get clients, horse haulers and other professionals to respect your time. I have an extremely successful in Equine rehab facility that manages over 125 head of horses. We try and keep strict business hours for our clients, yet it seems like almost every night we have a horse hauler, vet or something horse related come up that wants to take our time after our business hours

  16. Best marketing practices in a world of Facebook Killeen sales and backyard breeders—it seems the world is all about cheap (but I do believe they get what they pay for). What is the best approach to determining current and changing market values?

  17. Looking for ways to increase profit while maintaining a barn, and horses and children and time!

  18. Just getting my foot in the door and im running a small but successful program. Id like to look into the best way of deterring undesirable clients and bringing in long term quality clients

  19. I live in a very small town in wyoming and am wanting to raise, train, and sell my own colts. Because my town is so small, I am very afraid of failure. I'm afraid of people saying 'I'm charging too much for my horses' or commenting about my training. I'm just starting out so I dont have the fancy barn, or fancy truck and trailer. How do you overcome these negative thoughts and handle people who are behaving like they are better than you?

  20. Marketing on all socials

1 13 14 15 16 17 22

What We'll Cover In The Workshop:

SECRET #1 - How to BECOME a sought after authority figure in your specific skillset in as little as year. (This took me from nobody to riding & selling some of the best 2 year olds in the industry.)

SECRET #2 - How to DESIGN a better business model that pays you more for the same work you're already doing. (This method allowed us to triple the revenue per stall.)

SECRET #3 - The fun (& easy) way to ENROLL clients quickly without it feeling like you're doing sales. (This is my go-to way to get new clients and only takes half a day.)

SECRET #4 - How to add PROFIT producing revenue streams that run without you being there. (This is what rich people do that poor people miss.)

Meet Your Presenter:

Steve Ross

Steve used to be an unknown, broke horse trainer who had good skill, but a broken business. Today, he is a world-renowned announcer and horse business lifer. Some say, you could pick a random spot on a world map, and Steve would have a profitable business in less than a year. Discover his proven process to becoming a profitable horse trainer in this free workshop!

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