DAY 3 - Market Research

About this video

In this lesson, you’ll learn the critical importance of market research and how understanding your target market can make or break your success. You’ll explore methods to analyze what people are willing to pay for in your niche, identify trends, and validate your idea’s viability.

By the end, you’ll have the tools to approach your horse business like a professional, focusing on delivering what the market wants, not just what you like.

NExt Steps

Here are steps you can take to determine what your market is willing to pay for the right horse.

1 - Attend Sales or Online Listings: Visit a local horse auction or explore online platforms (e.g., DreamHorse, Facebook groups) to observe what types of horses are consistently selling and for how much.

2 - Take Detailed Notes: Write down the common traits of high-value horses in your niche (e.g., pedigree, training, appearance).

3 - Identify Trends: Research the average price range for horses similar to those you plan to work with. Look for patterns in demand.

4 - Validate Your Idea: Based on your findings, determine if the type of horse you want to produce aligns with market demand. If not, adjust your plan.

5 - Document Evidence: Gather proof (screenshots, sale prices, observations) showing that the horses you aim to work with have a sustainable market.

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