FREE 5-PART MINI-COURSE: Horse Profit Secrets
Discover The 3Â Business Shifts I Made to Go From Underpaid Horse Trainer To One Of The Top Reining Horse Sellers In The World.
Register for this mini-course to get 47 years of horse business knowledge distilled into 5 short lessons to make more with less.
What You'll Learn:
- Intro: Why the current horse training business model keeps you underpaid and overwhelmed.
- SHIFT 1: How to make a name for yourself by shifting how you see yourself. (This took me from unknown to multiple high sellers at the NRHA).
- SHIFT 2: How to design a better business model that pays you more for the same work you're already doing. (This allowed us to 3x our revenue per stall.)
- SHIFT 3: How to identify profit streams you can add into your business that can run with near minimum effort.
- BONUS: How to change the trajectory of your business in 10 days.

Steve Ross Reining Horses
Steve Ross Academy