LESSON 2 of 5: Become An Owner (Not An Employee)

What We Cover:Â
LESSON #1: Why you need to avoid the typical horse trainer model unless you want to keep struggling.
LESSON #2: How to make a name for yourself by shifting how you see yourself. (This took me from unknown to multiple high sellers at the NRHA).
LESSON #3: How to design a better business model that pays you more for the same work you're already doing. (This allowed us to 3x our revenue per stall.)
LESSON #4: How to identify profit streams you can add into your business that can run with near minimum effort.
LESSON #5: How to change the trajectory of your business in 10 days.

About Steve Ross:
Steve used to be an unknown, broke horse trainer who had good skill, but a broken business. Today, he is a world-renowned announcer and horse business lifer.
Some say, you could pick a random spot on a world map, and Steve would have a profitable business in less than a year. Discover his proven process to becoming a profitable horse professional in this free mini-course!